Monday, July 22, 2013

Excuses!!! We all have one! What’s yours?

You can’t exercise because the dog ate your workout plan. Likely story. Common exercise excuses you make for yourself can sound just as absurd. Everyone has an excuse to not work out – so what is yours? You’re too tired, it’s raining outside, you don’t have anything to wear; you’ve heard and probably said them all at least once. Let’s shed some light on the top three excuses I hear:

“I don’t have time.” – We all have busy lives. Whether you are retired, married with kids, single, something is always bound to come up that could potentially take time from your workout…if you let it. What are things you have let take priority over the gym that really could have waited? 

“I can’t afford a gym membership.” – Really? The average paid in full one year gym membership comes out to less than $2 per visit if you use the gym 3x a week. And if you were to do the payment plan that most gyms offer; it’s still less than $3 per visit (again, using the gym 3x a week). That is cheaper than the Keurig coffee you make every day and by the time you start using the gym 3x a week, you will have so much more energy you won’t even need the coffee anymore. Can you think of something that you could give up that would save you $10/week to make your gym membership more than affordable? 

“I’m not motivated enough” – I can’t think of anything more un-motivating than sitting at home waiting to be motivated. Think of your health, think of the example you are setting for your kids, think of your self-image and confidence! Everyone has been in the motivation “rut”; what are some things that helped get you back in the workout groove? 

What excuses have you used in the past? How have you overcome them? Or what is your excuse right now? Maybe someone can give you some advice to getting past it!  Look forward to reading your questions and seeing your input. 

Thank you,

Michele Gauthier

1 comment:

  1. My Knees hurt, my shoulders hurt, my elbow hurts, my back hurts, my neck hurts! These are all things I have heard and used myself in the past.
    At the end of the day most all of these aches and pains are due to lack of exercise, lack of blood flow and we will continue the snowball affect until we decide (or someone else decides for us)to take control. These are actually pretty easy aches and pains to eliminate. Most all stem from little to no activity and what YOU put in your mouth
